My Week In Pictures – Early Mornings.

I’m sure I’m not alone in not really being a Monday morning person. Everything in me wants to hit the week crawling but I know if I don’t drag my sorry self out of bed early and get to the gym it really doesn’t bode well for the rest of the week.  So reluctantly I scrape myself off the pillow and head out into the dark morning half asleep.  I am almost ALWAYS greeted by a beautiful rise, and against a daily backdrop of the famous Ring of Brodgar, and the Standing Stones of Stennes, ancient stones which people travel far and wide to see, I realise my life doesn’t suck too much after all. 

Standing Stones and sunrise

Admittedly I wasn’t quite so buoyant later in the week, and I was driving past in a little more daylight.  Equally beautiful.

Ring of Brodgar

I realise I’m more than a little obsessed with skylines and this blog is becoming a little samey.  Me waffling on about sunrise and sunset, whinging about being tired and busy, but life is ticking over and I continually try and live in the moment, appreciating every day. 

St Magnus Cathedral Kirkwall
Earl’s Palace in Kirkwall 

My sister and family have been over from Colorado visiting and we’ve had a few get-togethers which has been great.  I remembered the selfie stick for once which means we manage to get everyone in including the dog.  #Goals.



Miss Lashes is staying with us at the moment and has been cooking every night which is a straight run of three weeks now.  I don’t think I’ve ‘not had to cook’ for this length of time since I left home 30 years ago.  I feel thoroughly spoiled and slightly guilty, but not gonna lie, I love it!  There was one – lets call it ‘incident’ however this week where Miss Lashes simply went on strike and refused to be a Domestic Goddess in the kitchen.  Orkney Beef had acquired some fish and come home, stuck it at the bottom of the fridge and planned to come back to it to deal with it later.  An unaware Miss Lashes opened the bottom drawer of the fridge and got the fright of her life resulting in a text being sent enquiring about ‘things with faces on’  at the bottom of the fridge.  Orkney Beef dutifully came home and filleted them ready for the freezer.  To be honest, though, they reflected my Monday morning mood.  People with a nervous disposition look away.  

Norq From Ork’s Monday morning face.

We have no idea what tomorrow will bring and many people watch the news and feel afraid.  I choose to watch and read very little media and I feel happier that way.  I don’t want to face a future with anxiety generated by media, so I appreciate and enjoy my surroundings and evidence where life was simpler. I  appreciate some things that never change.  Sunrises and sunsets. Here’s tonight’s going down of the sun.

Sunset from my front door

So if you’re awake at 6am on a Monday, think of me groaning as I get out of bed as another week comes around, and I will unapologetically continue to snap the sun skylines.


Have a great week everyone.  

13 thoughts on “My Week In Pictures – Early Mornings.

  1. Thanks for your posts. I’ve been enjoying some great skies too. Amazing Venus from bedroom at Glebe. Bit blured! Lovely seeing you at SBC Sarah. How good to be with and share with our Christian family. Back to Rousay tomorrow. FrancesX

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    Liked by 1 person

  2. I love your blog it keeps me thinking of Otkney, so keep snapping those sunrises and skylines! I can’t wait to get up there again and hope to make it my home, too!


  3. Alas we are not in the driving seat of the future. I like you find calm in the crisp morning’s with autumn leaves and my beautiful surroundings. That fish looks like I felt this passed week too. Stellar blog as always

    Liked by 1 person

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