My Week In Pictures – September Mood and Waving Starfish

Two things herald the arrival of Autumn.  Hay bales in the field and the new season of Strictly. Neither disappointed this week.  If I could bottle the mood of Friday 20th September I would, and I’d sell it and make a fortune.  That tiny pocket of time where the weather is right for harvest, and all the hay bales are in the fields waiting to be wrapped is one of the most calming moments of sheer delight to possibly capture. Photographs don’t do it justice but I tried hard to capture the mood in Orkney on that glorious September day.

harvest time as I drive home from work


On my drive to work the loch looked like glass and of course it’s hard for me to see water without wanting to dive in.  Sometimes a puddle isn’t safe.


The morning was glorious and misty and I took a small video from my garden which was going swimmingly until this killed the mood (press play)

On the week where the remarkable Sarah Thomas swam four times across the channel breaking a world record and covering 130 miles in 54 hours, this Sarah did her bit by swimming before work around the wreck.  I even wore my hat and goggles to make me look like a proper swimmer but sadly there was no one to meet me with champagne and M&Ms.


Sunrise shipwreck swim

Despite my not being recognised for my monumental swimming the length of myself 😉 I did get a wave from the biggest starfish I’ve ever seen.  The starfish actually waved at me.  Go on, look for yourself!

No two swims are ever the same and sometimes it’s more about playing in the waves.  I’m certainly making the most of the morning and evening swims before we lose the light. I’ve been sharing Orkney sunrises and sunsets for years now but thanks to your lovely feedback you’re not bored yet so I’ll carry on.

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How do you avoid procrastination?  I’m a bit of a nightmare for procrastinating and I had a piece of writing I needed to finish and submit.  (Good golly I sound like an actual writer when I say that and it’s very exciting!) Anyway, after a week at work I was distracting myself at home so took myself off to the library to finish it.  Then promptly stared out of the window and procrastinated in a different place.  Wouldn’t you?


I’m pleased to say the piece was eventually finished and I came away from the library with three more books so that’s pretty much a win in my book.

Thank you SO much to everyone who has donated to my swimming down dementia raising money for Alzheimer’s Research UK.  I’ve raised £2000 which is fantastic, but don’t let that stop you donating.  We can always take it to the next thousand.

Everyday hero

Have a great week everyone.


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