My Week In Pictures – A Pink TARDIS, a Magazine Article and Growing Through Concrete.

The summer which never really got off the ground in Orkney is now pretty much over as things start to cool down and thoughts turn to Autumn.  Traditionally this is a time when I start my annual whinging and whining that I hate winter blah blah, but to be fair, it’s a little early and there are some compensations this year.  Since my sea swimming began in January I’ve experienced a variety of sea temperatures and it’s currently pretty warm (comparatively speaking) so I’m actually looking forward to the water cooling down. I can feel the mothership rolling her eyes at my insanity as I type….

Skaill Beach Orkney

That said there have been some glorious mornings and I’ve been making the most of squeezing in sea swims before work while the sun is shining and we still have daylight.  This week I managed several and loved every one of them.  Changing can be tricky and theres a cosmic law that as you’re about to take off a wet swimsuit discreetly, is the exact time when a coach load of tourists or dog walkers will arrive.  To try and combat this I bought a much-ridiculed pop up changing tent nicknamed my pink TARDIS and put it to good use this week.  It’s not much cop on windy days but when it’s calmer I can channel my inner Wonder Woman and go from swimsuit to superhero work suit in my own personal phone box – use your imagination


I was also excited to have my first magazine article go to print in Living Orkney this week.  It’s a small start but hopefully will go on to more published work.  I’m still working on the book. – Can I just say, the typo in the title was nothing to do with me!


I’m sure I’ve written about this in the past but when I see flowers growing through concrete I’m always inspired.  There are times in our life when we’re all growing through concrete and straining towards the chinks light – still managing to flower and be the best we can. I saw these fuschias doing just that this week and took a pic.  (I also discovered that fuschia is as difficult to work out how to spell as diarrhea)

Shout out to all of us growing through concrete

In Orkney the children have been back at school for a few weeks and in England they are heading that way.  I have no children at home anymore and had a bit of flashback recently when a child was having an utter meltdown in the supermarket.  We’ve all been there and I momentarily thought about reassuring the parent that it gets easier as they get older.  Then I realized, it doesn’t.


1st September was day one of #swimmingdowndementia raising money for Alzheimers Research UK.  I wanted to do this because of The Mothership’s diagnosis earlier this year.  My fundraising total has reached £1300 + Gift Aid and I am utterly overwhelmed and humbled by the generosity of people.  Thank you so, so much.  Every penny helps research this horrible disease and if you would like to donate a little something the link is at the bottom of the page.

We had fun in the sea for the launch day and Orkney Beef joined me as promised if I could raise £1000 before the start date.  I was joined by a lovely group of supporters and I’m thankful that the rain stayed away for the less seasoned swimmers.

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Orkney Beef and the crew 

The swim challenge finishes on 31st October and then guess what?  I signed up for another swim challenge.  This is a swimming through winter Polar Bear challenge and originally I hadn’t planned to do it but as I’m writing a book about my swimming adventure this year I thought why not?  All in the name of complete and utter insanity research.  So you can look forward to lots more swimming spam. I’m sorry.

And finally, if you’re looking for Orkney Beef.  He’s under the patio.


Have a great week everyone, and thanks again for all your generous donations. x

Swimming Down Dementia


4 thoughts on “My Week In Pictures – A Pink TARDIS, a Magazine Article and Growing Through Concrete.

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