My Week In Pictures – Surviving, Smiling, Capturing Joy

Nothing smacks of Monday morning like being woken to the sound of your husband barfing up in the bathroom.  Poor Orkney Beef had woken with a sick bug and he didn’t do it quietly.  Aren’t I the lucky one?  In all honesty, I’ve mentioned before that I have a very debilitating sickness phobia called Emetophobia.  It is much more under control now but in the past has led to hours and hours of research, crying, panicking and avoidance.  Even so, I managed to spend the next 48 hours without touching a surface, when in the bathroom which is no mean feat.  A pile of washcloths to dry my hands on, turn the taps off with, open the door and then turn round and chuck the washcloth in the laundry basket.  I have it down to a fine art!

The other step I take is moving to the spare room whilst Orkney Beef slowly suffers.  So I was at least able to live my best life with my Mother’s Day present (magazine subscription) and freebeie book.  I avoided the bug and Orkney Beef is now fully recovered.


I often mention that catching up with friends is a lunchtime event due to the pressures of life and work.  I managed to catch up with lovely Sian whilst we enjoyed pancakes, and before you say anything, only God can judge us.


Sian writes a lovely blog too.  Please go and pay it a visit, she writes about her life on the small island of Graemsay and her incredible views and cat Button. Link at the bottom of the page.

After last week’s sunrise swim I’ve managed a couple more this week and I absolutely love them.  Sunrise is becoming a much more civilised time, unlike our rising at 4.30am shenanigans in May and we were joined by Kar from Malaysia who is completely in love with Orkney and was over the moon to swim in the sea after reading Amy Liptrot’s book The Outrun. Her joy was infectious.

GPTempDownload 9
Capture Joy

I even managed a beachcomb here on a tiny little shore before work where I found sea pottery, a treasure of mine.


And after a glorious sunrise, we were rewarded with a rainbow.  I never tire of seeing them.


I’m still swimming to raise money for Dementia research and although I’ve slipped down to second place in the fundraising leaderboard I am utterly overwhelmed with the generosity and donations of everyone, so to all of you thank you.  My final swim for the fundraiser will be October 31st and we are planning a swim in the dark around a shipwreck.  Anyway, here’s a post-swim selfie from earlier in the week and a link to donate should you wish to do so.

Everyday Hero Donation Page



As always thank you so much for reading and don’t forget to check in on the lovely Sian’s blog too.


Life on a Small Island


2 thoughts on “My Week In Pictures – Surviving, Smiling, Capturing Joy

  1. Hi Norq I uncovered your blog over a year ago when planning a trip to the UK that would include Orkney as one of the highlights (my husband and i love megalithic sites). We loved our experience of 4 days in Orkney in late September.
    Our two adult daughters do cold water swimming/immersion for health benefits. Now I am involved in the care of my aging Scotland born mom, (she’s 96), and I am learning how valuable it is to BE in the present moment.

    PS we rented an electric car for our trip to the UQ. An epic adventure in its own rite. Love your blog!!

    Liked by 1 person

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