My Week In Pictures – No Summer, Ballet and Introvert Struggles.

I’ve been on holiday this week.  Now let me tell you what being ‘on holiday’ from work looks like.  It means I get to take a week off work to do all the things I don’t have time to do usually because I’m at work.  Like, take the dog to the vets, take the car to … More My Week In Pictures – No Summer, Ballet and Introvert Struggles.

My Week In Pictures – Middle-Aged Adventures and Feeling Good.

After some pretty serious indecisiveness, Orkney is finally playing ball and we’ve enjoyed some really gorgeous weather. Lots of getting outside and playing in the sea as well as test driving the new hot tub. I don’t really get hot tubs tbh. I’ve never been bothered with the idea of them, this was an Orkney … More My Week In Pictures – Middle-Aged Adventures and Feeling Good.