Going it alone

I have been to the cinema by myself twice in my life.  The first time was several years ago.  I had not long been in Orkney, wanted to see the film, but hadn’t put down roots or know anyone well enough to ask them to go with me so I went alone.  I enjoyed the … More Going it alone

Empty Nest Syndrome

Four years ago to the day we returned from having driven Miss Lashes to her new abode. She had left home and was postponing her gap year to go and volunteer with Soul Survivor church in Watford, with something called Soul 61. As much as I love Orkney, driving from here to London was an epic undertaking. … More Empty Nest Syndrome

National Poetry Day

It’s national poetry day so I thought I’d share three of my favourites.  Feel free to share yours I’m always interested in expanding my poetry appreciation. Stop all the clocks by W.H Auden, to me, sums up perfectly how grief feels.  No more words needed. Stop All the Clocks Stop all the clocks, cut off … More National Poetry Day